How to Lose Weight Fast: A Proven 3-Step Plan That Works- What Can I Eat and Lose Weight?

When you ask yourself what can i eat and lose weight? this article will Give you a few tips so you don't need to switch over your diet around and drastically change your exercise.

This is some simple ideas that are not complicated, you can take you right now and I immediately apply to your day-to-day life.

If you are trying to lose weight fast or just trying to burn stomach fat or whatever you might be trying to do this article will help you to do so.

All I want to say is even if you are struggling to lose weight for a long time you can still produce dramatic results and dramatic turnarounds immediately
Just by incorporating some tips you might not be aware of in the past.

Tip 1.  which has to do with your diet the vast majority of people people who are struggling to lose weight have a few things that are messed up in their diets on a day-to-day basis okay.

There is no systematic approach to what they eat, one day you wake up then eat your usual breakfast and go on throughout the day and eating  whenever they feel like eating.

You might be thinking you're eating healthy but there's no systematic approach that will drive that weight loss.

What can you eat to lose weight? This is what you need to do, pick a set of base foods for your day and these base foods just happen to be very healthy and must be also proven fat burners.

Just take some simple healthy base foods you know things to eat to lose weight, for example chicken it's a great fat burner, a very lean protein which studies have shown that it burns fat why?

1. protein fuels muscle growth okay that's a simplistic answer.
2. consuming lean protein over the course of three meals a day makes your body start burning calories to digest that food and this can lead to some serious results.

Tip 2.  look at  your diet you should be eating a bare minimum of four meals a day.

This is so easy to do there is nothing complicated about it, you should be eating four meals a day for three of those meals whatI want to do is I want you to pick a base or two base lean proteins okay

I will do this over the course of the next seven days just so you can see that this actually works.
weather is chicken, beef or whether it's turkey then add some green leafy vegetables okay on the slick could be like spinach, broccoli you name it it's the best foods to eat to lose weight.

What Are the Health Benefits of using Coconut Oil for weight-loss - coconut oil delicious recipe

Coconut OilThere is a lot of confusion out there regarding Coconut Oil.  In the past we were told to stay away from it because it was a high in saturated fats.  It’s now believed that the studies were done using partially hydrogenated coconut oil – i.e. coconut oil that had been chemically altered into trans-fats which are definitely NOT healthy.

10 facts about coconut oil

From beating sugar cravings to aiding weight loss, there are more benefits of coconut oil than most of us may realise.
1. All fats are not created equal
Coconut oil contains short term medium-chain saturated fatty acids (MCFAs), which is a “healthy” form saturated fat compared to trans fat.  Trans fatty acid consumption has been linked with heart problems, depression and increased cholesterol levels. What does consuming a fat with MCFAs mean for your body? Our body can metabolise coconut oil quickly in the liver and immediately covert this into energy (fuel for the brain and muscle function) rather than it being stored as fat.
 2. Controls weight
One 2009 study looked at the weight loss link between women’s consumption of coconut oil and found that it reduces abdominal obesity. Researchers discovered coconut oil is easy to digest and also protects the body from insulin resistance. To try coconut oil for weight loss start by adding one teaspoon to your diet and gradually work your way up to four teaspoons per day.

3. Eases digestion
If you suffer from poor digestion or tummy bloating try adding coconut oil to your diet. Coconut oil has been found to benefit digestive disorders including irritable bowel syndrome and microbial related tummy bugs. Fatty acids in coconut oil contain anti microbial properties, which have a soothing affect on bacteria, candida, or parasites that cause poor digestion.
4. Manage type 2 diabetes
A recent study by the Garvan Institute of Medical Research found that coconut oil protects against insulin resistance, reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes. MCFA fats are small enough to be absorbed into the cells where they’re quickly converted to energy. It is this process that not only reduces the amount of fat we pack into storage, but improves insulin sensitivity.
5. Supports immunity
Coconut oil is made up of healthy fats, lauric acid, caprylic acid and capric acid which contain antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral properities to boost the immune system. Lauric acid contains the highest concentration of MCFA fatty acids, approximately 75 per cent. The body turns this fat into monolaurin which is claimed to help heal viruses such as herpes, influenza, cytomegalovirus, helicobacter pylori and candida.
6. Boost metabolism
A study reported in the Journal of Nutrition found that coconut oil boosts metabolism. Researchers found that participants who consumed two tablespoons of coconut oil per day burned more kilojoules than those who consumed less. A speedy metabolism helps boost the body’s immune system and keep weight off.
7. Slows fine lines
Coconut is not just for your cooking – it’s a wonderfully hydrating treat for skin too. It keeps the skin’s connective tissues strong, which prevents sagging and wrinkles. Apply coconut oil directly to your skin to soften the appearance of fine lines or use it daily on your face and body for a healthy glow. Be sure you use virgin coconut oil with no additives.
8. Cooks in high temperatures
Because coconut oil is a medium-chain saturated fatty acid, it gives it a higher smoking temperature than most polyunsaturated or monounsaturated oils. If you’re preparing recipes that require high temperatures you should consider coconut oil for this type of cooking. Unlike olive oil which will oxidise at high temperatures, creating free radicals.
9. Stops sugar cravings
Instead of reaching for the lollie jar for an afternoon sweet hit, try eating a teaspoon of virgin coconut oil to beat sugar cravings. This is because good quality fat is more satiating than carbs, so if you cut down on sugar you will feel less ‘ravenous’. Most of us do not realise but constant hunger is a major clue that your body is not being fed correctly.  With the proper amounts of fats and protein, you can fuel your energy reserves properly, and come off the sugar roller coaster that many of us are on.

10. Coconut oil is simple to cook with
Try this recipe for a nutritious high protein, gluten and dairy free coconut treat.
  • 1 teaspoon of Organic Coconut Oil
  • 1 cup of almonds or walnuts
  • 1 cup of organic dates
  • 3-4 tablespoons of raw cocoa powder
  • Shredded coconut (check it contains no preservatives)
Place all ingredients in a food processor. Roll into small bite size balls and roll into shredded coconut. Place in the refrigerator for 15 minutes to set.
Coconut Date Balls